The Blue Sapphire of the Mind Notes for a Contemplative Ecology Douglas Burtonchristie

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Jul 31, 2013 rated it really liked it
At times, Christie's writing is so dense with quotations and thoughts from others, it is easy to get lost. Instead, stop, circle round again, skip ahead, return. He's contemplating loving and losing the gift of this earth and inviting you the reader to that intense focus. Best read with lots of time to pause, to touch the earth wherever you are, and to ask others about their journeys and share your own. At times, Christie's writing is so dense with quotations and thoughts from others, it is easy to get lost. Instead, stop, circle round again, skip ahead, return. He's contemplating loving and losing the gift of this earth and inviting you the reader to that intense focus. Best read with lots of time to pause, to touch the earth wherever you are, and to ask others about their journeys and share your own. ...more
Jan 27, 2019 rated it it was amazing
A contemplative spirituality that embraces oneness with all of nature, holding dearly the precious remaining beauty while grieving all that has been lost. A book to be read slowly, over and over, until it embeds itself in you, and you are in it.
Leah Rampy
Jun 05, 2015 rated it it was amazing
I loved this book. It's written by an academic and thoroughly footnoted - and yet Christie writes with great heart and hope. From the desert fathers and mothers to present day authors, Christie traces a trajectory of hope for today's broken world. I loved this book. It's written by an academic and thoroughly footnoted - and yet Christie writes with great heart and hope. From the desert fathers and mothers to present day authors, Christie traces a trajectory of hope for today's broken world. ...more
Cyndie Tozzo
May 03, 2019 rated it it was amazing
I just finished this beautiful book. becomes possible to imagine a profound and lasting intimacy with the living world, with our own embodied selves, and with the Spirit who lives and breathes among us.
Because of this book I now have a list of maybe 60 more books to read, including all of Thomas Merton's journals, Thoreau's journals and Books by John Muir. As a spiritual hermit that also journals about nature this book was glorious. Take your time with it. my only regret is that I did not
I just finished this beautiful book. becomes possible to imagine a profound and lasting intimacy with the living world, with our own embodied selves, and with the Spirit who lives and breathes among us.
Because of this book I now have a list of maybe 60 more books to read, including all of Thomas Merton's journals, Thoreau's journals and Books by John Muir. As a spiritual hermit that also journals about nature this book was glorious. Take your time with it. my only regret is that I did not read it while in a cool and lovely forest.
Laura Swan
Nov 11, 2017 rated it it was amazing
A powerful and challenging (so important for our current crisis) read. Each sentence can easily be a source for lectio. I am giving a retreat based on this book November 19th
Apr 05, 2019 rated it did not like it
Couldn't get past the first 90 pages. Unreadable. Couldn't get past the first 90 pages. Unreadable. ...more
Amos Smith
Sep 17, 2015 rated it it was amazing
This is a powerful book! I am so thankful to have discovered it. I often find myself reading and re-reading passages. Christie is a deep thinker who puts words to longings on the tip of my tongue. He embodies a rare combination of love and wonder of the natural world and a great appreciation for Christian Contemplative Tradition. Christie understands that healing the torn fabric of our souls is related to healing desecrated places. He understands, like few others, that the profound ecological cr This is a powerful book! I am so thankful to have discovered it. I often find myself reading and re-reading passages. Christie is a deep thinker who puts words to longings on the tip of my tongue. He embodies a rare combination of love and wonder of the natural world and a great appreciation for Christian Contemplative Tradition. Christie understands that healing the torn fabric of our souls is related to healing desecrated places. He understands, like few others, that the profound ecological crisis that we face today is primarily a spiritual crisis. If we connect to the depths of our own beings we can transform our relationship to the natural world.
-Amos Smith (author of Healing The Divide: Recovering Christianity's Mystic Roots)
Sarah Randall
Oct 08, 2016 rated it it was amazing
This is a dense book, and long - and worth every bit of it. Unfortunately, as a result, I haven't finished it, and I need to return it to the library. What I've read so far, however, is fabulous. I wish my local library would get a copy (I don't feel right overusing interlibrary loan).; perhaps I will request it. For the moment, I will keep it on my currently-reading list, as I do hope to check it out again. This is a dense book, and long - and worth every bit of it. Unfortunately, as a result, I haven't finished it, and I need to return it to the library. What I've read so far, however, is fabulous. I wish my local library would get a copy (I don't feel right overusing interlibrary loan).; perhaps I will request it. For the moment, I will keep it on my currently-reading list, as I do hope to check it out again. ...more
Matthew Rigodanzo
Daniel Lemelin

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"the question of what it is to become aware of oneself as alive in the living world and how to cultivate this awareness for the sake of that world remains one of the most pressing spiritual concerns of our time." — 0 likes
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